834 Days Later…. an update

I haven’t written on here for a long long time, 834 days to be exact.

Here are the highlights:

  • Baby girl born healthy and incredibly beautiful
  • Being a parent has brought on a new meaning to “tired”
  • Being a parent has also brought a new meaning to the word “happy”
  • Bought a house
  • Enjoying life.

I thought I would revive this blog after a few years to talk about life and my new hobbies.

(my email address was cloned and WordPress shut this site down for a while)

So on to the next chapter for me.

Here we go.

Week 37 – Cha Ching! One baby, coming right up!

I can’t believe it… In a few weeks (or days) I will be a mother. It’s been an incredible journey so far, carrying this beautiful baby girl inside of me. It wasn’t easy but it’s definitely worth it.

Life will never be the same again, I keep telling myself over and over again, but until I hold that little bundle in my arms, I don’t think it will ever sink in.

What would it feel like, to have a completely helpless little human being depend on you for survival? What would it feel like to experience a love so pure you would do anything for this person? What would it feel like, to finally see those little eyes look at you and know you are loved…

I read an article saying that my life will change in a way that my husband will not the Center of my world anymore, I still find that hard to believe because how can I love anybody more than B? I have a feeling though that when I see our daughter for the first time, my heart will grow just a little bit bigger and two people will now be the Center of my existence…

One thing I know for sure, this is the greatest blessing we have received and no words can describe how thankful we are. We have created a little person, a mixture of ourselves, a manifestation of our great love for each other… It boggles the mind… I just can’t wait to meet her.



To my dearest bubba


My dearest bubba,

In an hour daddy and I will get to see you again, and find out if you’re a boy or a girl! We are both very excited and can’t wait to tell your lolo, lola, and titas. I hope you will be good and cooperate by getting in position, no sleeping and hiding today okay!

It’s been a relatively easy pregnancy so far though you are getting heavier and want to eat more. I think you are quite cosy in mommy’s tummy though I think sometimes you’re starting to move and stretch your legs. With four more months to go, I hope we will both stay healthy and you stay in there until you’re well and ready to come out. 😊 But not too much sweets okay? Remember, pangga, our motto is “sexy baby, you’re a sexy baby!”

okay gtg now, daddy is busy eating his lunch next to me and I need to get ready for our ultrasound. Love you bubs, see you later! Just remember, we love you regardless if you’re a boy or a girl! πŸ‘«πŸ‘ΆπŸ’

/ mommy

Edit: you’re a girl!!! πŸ‘ΈπŸ’—